I wrote these notes during the periods when I was interested in those specific topics.
I wrote them just to have a reference for myself and they are not aimed at teaching to other people, nevertheless they can be useful for who is interested on these arguments or needs specific details on them.
The following notes are available:
1) THESIS. Thesis written for the graduation in mathematics. The argument concerns concurrent scheduling techniques for digital signal processing algorithms (sorry, only the Italian version is available). (download pdf file)
2) KALMAN. Kalman Filters obtained from the discrete Fourier series. The Kalman filters are introduced including the proofs of the results achieved. (download pdf file)
3) QUANTUM. A brief introduction to Quantum Mechanics. The notes also include some other basic topics on the Classical Mechanics and on the Statistic Mechanics. (download pdf file)
4) GAMMA. Some basic results concerning the Gamma Function. Also a very brief introduction of the Zeta Function is included. (download pdf file)
5) NOISE FIGURE. In a digital system we deal with signals affected by quantization noise which are transformed through numerical processing in other signals to obtain the required result of the algorithm we are implementing. Each transformation creates a new signal Z modifying both the original signal X and the associated quantization noise N. The Z signal is composed by two parts: the wanted signal T(X) and its associated quantization noise V(X,N), depending on both X and N, and it has its own SNR. (download pdf file)
6) RECOVERY LOOPS. Some results concerning the loops theory applied to the timing, phase and frequency recovery in communication systems. (sorry, only the Italian version is available). (download pdf file)